Bay Area Bilingual Answering Services for Real Estate Agents and Property Managers

The Benefits of Using a Bilingual Answering Service for Real Estate Agents and Property Managers

Bay Area answering services for real estate agents and property managersReal estate agents and property managers are always on the go and spend the majority of their time outside of the office. If they’re not meeting with appraisers, they’re either showing listings, meeting with potential tenants or checking the status of maintenance work orders. If your time is spent doing all of these things, chances are you probably have support from your administrative team, especially to answer your phones.

What is your process for answering calls — specifically after-hours? What if your callers need to speak with someone who is bilingual — specifically Spanish? If you live in the Bay Area, you already know that there are more and more Spanish-speaking individuals who require assistance with real estate and rental options. How are you currently serving this community?

Automated Voicemail vs. Bilingual Answering Services in The Bay Area

You may or may not know that the Spanish-speaking community in the U.S. is the second largest in the world and is expected to become the largest over the next several years. Paired with the growing technology and social media, real estate agents and property managers should expand their reach to such communities to increase their client base and decrease vacancy rates. By doing so, your set your real estate agency or property management company apart from the rest.

Automated voicemail systems should be a secondary plan because over 80% of callers hang up on voicemail. Leaving a message is not something every caller does after they realize that you’re not available. This lack of response encourages your callers to contact your competition.

This is why it is important to have an answering service for your Bay Area real estate agency or property management company as opposed to automated voicemail. With a 24/7 live answering service or virtual receptionist, you are now basically open for business around the clock and able to deliver a responsive caller experience before your competition does.

If you are interested in expanding your ability to connect with more clients, now is the time to leverage a bilingual answering service to develop and nurture relationships with a community that doesn’t speak English as a first language. A bilingual answering service can certainly accomplish all of this and more.

What You Will Receive . . .

Bay Area Bilingual Answering ServicesThere are many benefits of using a bilingual answering service for your Bay Area real estate office or property management company.

For instance, here at Direct Line, your caller will connect with live, professionally certified bilingual call agents. This is a huge benefit to your callers and a big differentiator for your business because your Spanish speaking callers are able to communicate in their primary language, instead of in a language they are not comfortable or proficient with.

Unlike automated voicemail systems, bilingual call agents or a live virtual receptionist can assist you with answering calls at any time of day— whether you are in the office or not. Each call will be instantly answered by a live, U.S. based individual, during normal business hours or after-hours. Just imagine the credibility you can establish with any after-hours caller is able to communicate in their native language with someone representing your business.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of having a Bay Area bilingual answering service is that nothing gets lost in translation. With a team of bilingual call agents, you can ensure maximum clarity of information. Not only you will receive everything you expected, your callers will get to know your business quickly, see you as a trusted professional and instantly receive a higher perceived value.

And the Best Part?

Once you decide to integrate our solution by hiring a bilingual answering service, the word will begin to spread and high percentage of the Spanish speaking community will be interested in working you. You will literally be able to tap into new audiences and reach more potential customers that are looking to buy or sell a home or rent property from you!

With our professionally certified bilingual teams at Direct Line, you can fully outsource all of your telephone answering needs and save money in the long run. Instead of hiring administrative staff and taking on a higher overhead, you can rely on our bilingual telephone answering experts in Bay Area.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, tap into new audiences and increase your authority in the industry, contact us today and see how our Bay Area bilingual answering services are the perfect solution for your real estate agency or property management business. 888-365-2424.



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