Missing Out on Family Activities? Here’s How an Answering Service Can Help

shutterstock_483055519-smallAre you tied to your phone because you’re afraid of missing a call? Is your business preventing you from enjoying life because you feel like you have to be there all the time or that nobody else can get things done like you can?

Missing phone calls means you’re probably missing an opportunity to build your business. The truth of the matter is that you don’t have to miss out on life while you’re trying to grow.

One of the main benefits of enlisting the support of a 24 Hour Live Answering Service is that you won’t miss any calls and you can participate in life.

So, whether you are in a meeting, on vacation or enjoying some family time, it really doesn’t matter why you are unavailable. Partnering with a professional and reliable answering service will help you create a work/life balance while increasing your competitive advantage, here’s how…

The After Hours Effect

Think about it. How many of your competitors are open 24/7/365? Probably not many. So by partnering with a professional answering service, such as Direct Line, you have now virtually extended your operating hours around the clock.

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you leave your office at 5 pm to attend your daughter’s play. At 7 pm, a call comes in from a potential new client inquiring about services. You’re at the play while your answering service is answering your call. What a great feeling it would be if you were able to attend a family activity without stressing out about missing a call. It can be a new reality for you.

Protect Your Overhead/Protect Your Investment

24 Hour Live Answering ServiceIn terms of overhead, think about how much it costs you to hire someone from recruiting fees, in terms of overhead, think about how much it costs you to hire someone from recruiting fees, interviewing time, background checks, in terms of overhead, think about how much it costs you to hire someone from recruiting fees, in terms of overhead, think about how much it costs you to hire someone from recruiting fees, interviewing time, background checks, on-boarding, training, wages, insurance, vacation and other benefits. Now that you’ve hired them, what happens when they are late, call off or worse yet…quit? You spent all this time and money only to start the process over again while continuing to erode your profit. The good news is that you don’t have to do this anymore. Our 24 Hour Live Virtual Receptionist services give you the peace of mind and keeps within the integrity of your budget because we ARE here 24/7, we don’t call off and more importantly, your investment is literally a fraction of what you would pay to hire administrative support.

Direct Line has been providing award winning Answering Services since 1979.

www.directlineanswers.com. Call us today for a FREE consultation. 888-365-2424.

We are the perfect extension of your business.

Contact us today to learn more about our services, at 888-365-2424.