5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Live Virtual Receptionist

Latino Man Wearing HeadsetThere are a couple of things that can happen when a potential customer calls your business – they can either be greeted by voicemail  and land in “voice mail jail” or they can be greeted by a live, friendly voice exactly as an in-house member of your administrative staff would.

A recent poll indicated that as much as 82% of callers will hang up when greeted by voice mail. When asked “why,” the polltakers responded that “voice mail and phone trees frustrate us!  We want to talk to a live person.”

In today’s world, people have become accustomed to having immediate and continual contact.  It’s an expectation.  Text messaging and smart phones have changed the way and the speed in which we communicate.  Voice mail is not perceived to be as responsive as callers want and they require a “live person” to speak with now.  That means you need to be in business 24/7/365. Another thing to think about is when your callers hang up on your voice mail, who do they call next?  That’s right– your competition!

Why Use a Live Virtual Receptionist?Live Virtual Receptionist

A live person answering your phone is always better than voicemail simply because the caller gets to speak to a friendly and informed individual which allows your caller to connect with your business immediately.

Here are five (5) reasons why a Live Virtual Receptionist can assist in driving your business into a more profitable position:

  1. You are now open for business around the clock with our 24/7/365 Live Answering Services.  Your callers are obviously in the need of some type of information, whether its product related, service needs or to schedule an appointment. No matter what type of assistance they require, your voicemail system facilitates caller frustration and sets them up to contact your competition.

  2. Only a Live Virtual Receptionist can listen to your caller and determine their needs.  That way you can deliver the expected service with empathy and compassion offering that rare personal touch any time of the day.

  3. Our live virtual receptionist services can provide phone coverage during business hours as well as after-hours. When a potential customer calls in expecting voicemail and instead a live receptionist answers their call, it makes a great impression.

  4. Callers will never get a busy signal when they call your company, which shows them that they’ll never have to wait for good service. It may seem like something subtle, but to your customers it’s everything.

 5. Live Virtual Receptionists can position you to go that extra mile for your callers and exceed their service expectations.  There’s only one thing that voicemail can do and that is to record messages.  A live receptionist can offer them much more. For example, your customized call scripts will be used for basic customer service situations and deliver what customers need right there and then on the phone. Our agents will follow a basic script to answer general questions, provide updates or deliver other important information. This gives your customers what they need, instead of making them wait.  It shows that you’re willing to go the extra mile.

No matter what stage your business is in on its own growth curve or what type of industry you’re in, enlisting the answering services of Direct Line Tele Response is a smart move if you want to provide excellent customer service, increase the likelihood of a sale and keep your company’s reputation in good standing. – See more at: https://www.directlineinc.com

Call us today for a free consultation at 888-365-2424.


We are the perfect extension of your business.

Contact us today to learn more about our services, at 888-365-2424.